NAME pf-badhost -- Fetch, validate and parse blocklist data into format suitable for ingestion by PF firewall SYNOPSIS pf-badhost [ -46ABDGVhnx ] [ -H [integer] ] [ -O [OS type] ] [ -R [integer] ] [ -T [option] ] [ -g [ISO3166 code] ] [ -l [URL] ] [ -o [option] ] [ -r [rule] ] [ -u [path] ] [ -w [path] ] DEBUGGING OPTIONS pf-badhost [ -E [zcat/bzcat] ] [ -F [curl/fetch/ftp/wget] ] [ -J [authlog path] ] [-K [authlog path 2] ] [ -Z [doas/sudo] ] DESCRIPTION pf-badhost fetches IP block lists and parses them into a format suitable for feeding into a PF firewall table The options are as follows: -4 Generate IPv4 blocklist. -6 Generate IPv6 blocklist. -A Enable IP subnet aggregation. This will format blocklist data into smallest possible representation using CIDR notation. -B Output mixed IPv4 and IPv6 blocklist. -D Disable UID checking. pf-badhost must normally be run as the user '_pfbadhost', and this option disables that check. -G Enable Geoblocking and country/region based blacklisting. --- Note: It is strongly recommended to enable subnet aggregation when geoblocking. -H [arg] Enable SSH authlog analysis (Hail Mary Cloud mitigation). This feature scans the users SSH authlogs for bruteforcers. Argument specifies the maximum number of failed login attempts before adding bruteforcer to blocklist. -O [arg] Specify Operating System type. Valid option are: * DragonflyBSD * FreeBSD * MacOS * NetBSD * OpenBSD * custom The OS type argument is treated special, as its options are case insensitive. For example, 'OpenBSD' and 'openbsd' are both equally valid arguments for '-O' The 'custom' option allows the user to specify a custom OS type. Arguments '-E', '-F' and '-Z' and their respective options must also be used when specifying 'custom' as an OS type. If Hail Mary Mitigation is also enabled, '-J' and '-K' arguments will need to be passed. -R [int] Specify maximum number of URL fetch attempts. Default is 3. Specify '0' to disable re-attempts. -T [arg] Enable Tor filtering. Valid (case insensitive) arguments are: * allow * block * block_exit - The 'allow' option will whitelist all Tor relays and exit nodes - the 'block' option will block all Tor relays and exit nodes - The 'block_exit' option will block only Tor exit nodes -V Disable all printing of warning messages. Fatal error messages will still be printed and logged to /var/log/messages. -a [arg] Specify ASN (Autonomous System Number) to block. ASN are case insensitive. May be specified multiple times to add multiple ASN. Example format: pf-badhost -a 'AS64496' ... -b [arg] Enable bogon filtering. This option accepts either '4' or '6' as an argument to denote which address family to filter for bogons. '46' or '64' may be specified to filter both IPv4 and IPv6 bogons. -g [arg] Specify ISO 3166 country code to block. Country codes are case insensitive. May be specified multiple times to add multiple countries. Use of this option implies '-G'. --- Note: It is strongly recommended to enable subnet aggregation when geoblocking. -h Print help message and exit. -j [path] Specify path to text file containing 1 or more ASN (Autonomous System Number) to block. Entries within text file must be formatted 1 per line. Lines starting with '#' or ';' will be ignored. This option may be specified multiple times. -l [url] Specify URL to fetch blocklist data from. May be specified multiple times to add multiple blocklists. Depending on specified fetch utility (ftp/fetch/curl/wget etc) pf-badhost should support HTTP, FTP and local files. -n Dry run mode. This option will sanity check configuration and return 0 on success and >0 on failure. -o [arg] Options: (case insensitive) * log | no-log enable/disable logging to /var/log/unbound-adblock/ * pipefail Use 'set -o pipefail'. This isn't used by default yet as it's a very recent addition to OpenBSD's ksh. * strict | no-strict Enable/disable strict mode. Enabling strict mode prevents unbound-adblock from aborting if it fails to fetch one or more blocklists. * uid-check | no-uid-check Enable/disable forced use of user '_pfbadhost'. See '-D' description. * verbose | no-verbose Enable/disable printing of warning messages. See '-V' description. -r [arg] Specify custom rule. May be specified multiple times to add additional rules. This option accepts all input valid for use in a PF table such as IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and CIDR ranges. Addresses and CIDR ranges can be whitelisted by prefacing the rule with an exclamation point. --- Note: No address validation is performed on custom rules - use with care! -u [path] Specify path to text file containing 1 or more blocklist URLs to fetch. URLs within text file must be formatted 1 per line. Lines starting with '#' or ';' will be ignored. This option may be specified multiple times. -w [path] Specify path to text file containing list of 1 or more custom rules. Rules within text file must be formatted 1 per line. Lines starting with '#' or ';' will be ignored. Accepts all input valid for use in a PF table such as IPv4 and IPv6 addressses and CIDR ranges. Addresses and CIDR ranges can be whitelisted by prefacing the rule with an exclamation point. This option may be specified multiple times to add additional lists. --- Note: No address validation is performed on custom rules - use with care! -x This option instructs pf-badhost to print the generated blocklist to stdout instead of reloading the PF table. This is useful for exporting pf-badhost blocklist data for external use. Use of this option implies '-D' and '-o no-log'. DEBUGGING OPTIONS DESCRIPTION Note: These options are intended to be used in conjunction with the '-O custom' argument. -E [arg] Specify tool for unzipping authlog data. -F [arg] Specify tool for fetching blocklists [curl/fetch/ftp/wget]. -J [path] Specify SSH authlog path. -K [path] Specify secondary SSH authlog path. -Z [arg] Specify tool used to perform root privilege actions, typically 'doas' or 'sudo'. EXIT STATUS The pf-badhost utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs. EXAMPLES The following examples are shown as given to the shell: -- Run pf-badhost with mixed IPv4/IPv6 list after following the traditional install method: $ pf-badhost -B -O openbsd -- Print generated blocklist to stdout: $ pf-badhost -O openbsd -x -- Check configuration validity $ pf-badhost -O openbsd -n -- Specify custom rules and blocklist URL: $ pf-badhost -O openbsd -r '' -r '!fe80::/10' -l '' -- Specify path to list of blocklist URLs $ pf-badhost -0 openbsd -u /var/db/urls.txt -- Additionally fetch local gzip compressed blocklist file $ pf-badhost -O openbsd -l '/var/db/blocklist.txt.gz' -- Disable all checks, logging and printing of warnings: $ pf-badhost -DV -o no-strict -O openbsd -- Specify custom OS type and requisite info: $ pf-badhost -O custom -E 'zcat' -F 'fetch' -Z 'sudo' SEE ALSO Installation STANDARDS pf-badhost does not conform to the POSIX shell spec, but instead aims for KSH compatibility. Any shell supporting 'typeset' and KSH array syntax should work fine. pf-badhost has been confirmed to run on the following shells: * oksh (OpenBSD's ksh) * ksh93 * bash * zsh CAVEATS On platforms that use FreeGrep (OpenBSD, MacOS), their grep is very slow and may even (on MacOS) segfault on the IPv6 regex. It is strongly recommended to replace the use of FreeGrep with something like RipGrep or GNU grep IPv6 list parsing requires input to be formatted 1 address per line whereas IPv4 list parsing supports arbitrary input formatting (text, JSON, XML, HTML etc) You may need to increase the maximum PF table size if blocklist entries exceed 100,000. The table size limit can be raised by defining the limit in your pf.conf: # head /etc/pf.conf ... set limit table-entries 400000 ... If you are bumping into table size limits, it is strongly recommended to enable subnet aggregation. February 15, 2021 pf-badhost-0.5